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Home: Welcome


Welcome to The Mixed Edition - I'm so glad you're here! 

I'm a mother, daughter, sister, teacher, writer, survivor... the list goes on and wearing so many hats can get heavy at times. Life gives us so many ups and downs and for most of my life, I've felt unheard - like my voice didn't matter. I spent years being someone I wasn't, trying to fit into a mould that just wasn't me. I'm almost 40 and, finally, I'm ready to be heard in the knowledge that I'm exactly who I'm meant to be - I'm The ME!

The Mixed Edition (The ME) was created as a safe space to be yourself, to speak your truth and celebrate everything that makes you who you are.

I'm excited to be on this journey with you!

Danielle x

Home: About Me

The Last Rose

The charms from my new handbag jangle bright and inappropriately as I desperately search for the small rosy bottle that I know is in...

We need to talk about Mason Greenwood…

WARNING - contains reference to sexual assault and domestic abuse. I’ve chosen not to include images of the subjects of this post as I...

An A-Z of the men I've loved

Sometimes, something happens in your life that leads you to reassess your life; the mistakes you’ve made, the decisions you regret;...

When Father's Day isn't Happy...

Today is Father’s Day. A day to celebrate and say ‘thank you’ to all the dads out there for everything they do and have done. A day to...

Why's she so angry?

Picture this scene: I’m in the kitchen, taking washing out of the tumble-dryer so I can put another load in; the oven is on, with three...

Little Miss Mixed - My Journey So Far

Does the colour of your skin define who you are? I've given this question a lot of thought lately I never really believed that my race...

An honest update…

I think it's fair to say I've been off grid for a few weeks; I haven't written a blog since the end of March and my social media posts...

We need to talk about school…

They say it’s the best time of your life, school (whoever “they” are) and until I was about 14, it definitely was for me. My safe place,...

Is it cheating?

Aaah remember those teenage years, when you could eat whatever you wanted and not worry about checking calories or putting on weight?...

Keep your hair on, girl

I’d thought about this post way before I started writing it and felt like I knew what I was going to say. I was wrong. My hair has been...

40 + 3

Well, what a week it has been! I write this as I snuggle up on the sofa with a steaming, black coffee, watching the snowflakes fluttering...

Forty things

I can’t quite believe I’m saying this, but this is the last week of my thirties…! Next Monday, I will have been alive for 14610 days (or...

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Want to learn more about The Mixed Edition? For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

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